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Welcome to the world of indoor bike stands & trainers!

elite real axiom reviewIf you’re on the hunt for an indoor bike trainer (often known as a stationary bike stand or even turbo trainer), my tips and reviews of many of the industry’s leading bike trainer brands and models should make things a whole lot clearer for you.

I’m a semi-serious cyclist myself, and have purchased and tested a number of bikes AND stationary bike stands over the years (just don’t ask my wife how much I’ve spent over the last couple of years!). The indoor trainers really boost my training schedule during those cold, winter months when it’s almost impossible to get out on the road (and hey, even in the summer months when it’s just too hot!).

After purchasing one of the all-time classic trainers a while back, the CycleOps Fluid 2 trainer (a model I highly recommend which has also been revamped superbly in the last couple of years), and getting asked by cyclist friends for my recommendations, I decided to set up this website to help them and YOU out.

I’ve done all of the research and testing, you just have to decide what suits your training regime and your budget. And as the market has developed technologically over the last few years, I’ve also expanded my reviews to include some of the latest smart trainers and apps out there!

I’d highly recommend having a look at this to get started – these are the FIVE best stationary bike trainers you should consider for 2024 (and yes, they’re all perfect options for boosting your immune system against COVID-19, the Coronavirus) and range from the very cheapest, super-value bike stands to the ultimate riding experience for the more serious cyclists of you. If money is less of an issue and you’re looking for something top-notch, take a look at the 3 best trainers money can buy – or perhaps it’s even time to buy yourself one of the latest smart trainers (if so, this Tacx Vortex review might just wow you into the world of smart trainers…)?

In addition, our much-researched Comparison table will give you an amazingly quick overview of all the models out there, including ratings, weight and price. It’s pretty much the perfect buying guide, and is constantly being updated, so check it out!

And I also have the perfect companion to a new bike trainer – my guide to the TEN must-have cycling accessories that any keen cyclist will want to have to get the absolute maximum out of their training session, especially if you are setting up your own man cave! It was originally written for Christmas, but all of the accessories are perfect for any time of the year and will help enhance your training session – from the best cycling shoes, to iPhone holders, to massage sticks, I cover some of the best out there!

For beginners, or any of you just confused by the range of options and possibilities, I’d recommend you see our FAQ, a comprehensive set of questions (and their answers) that should hopefully answer any question you might have, including:

  • I’m a beginner, what stationary bike stand do you recommend?
  • Are there any decent stationary bike stands under $100?
  • I’m a serious/pro cyclist – what bike trainers should I consider?
  • Are there any bike trainers for 29 inch wheels?
  • Can I use my mountain bike on a stationary bike stand?
  • How can I stay motivated for boring indoor riding sessions?

Wrapping it up, here are some additional must-reads for those of you getting into indoor trainers this season:

3 major reasons why you need to buy a stationary bike stand

OK, so you’re still not convinced that an indoor bike / stationary bike stand will suit your style, your budget, or even your flat/house – but perhaps these 3 killer benefits will persuade you…

1: Having a stationary bike trainer at home means you’re never going to have an excuse for not training during those cold, wet winter months! OK, it can be hard to get motivated, but trust us, there are ways to stay motivated, and yes, stay in great shape throughout the winter. If you’re a serious cyclist, a trainer can seriously make a difference for when the cycling season kicks in once again; and if you’re a beginner or a casual cyclist, stay in shape and improve your overall technique in a fun, sporty way (while you watch TV, use your iPad, or simply read a book!)!

2: They are compact AND portable AND cheap. So forget about not having enough space in your small, cozy apartment, or having enough money. Most of the bike trainers on the market today are compact enough to fit the smallest of houses and apartments (heck, some are even foldable!), and quiet enough to ensure that if you do have a small apartment, your neighbors and loved ones will never know you just put in a sweaty, 60-minute session that stretched beyond midnight. And yes, there are some great value indoor bike trainers for less than $80 – compare that to your annual gym fees!

3: You dictate the training session – and by that we mean the pace, the effort, the time invested. The thing about an indoor trainer is that you choose exactly when and how to start training, and you no longer have to worry about the weather and how it might, quite literally, put a dampener on your training efforts. If you’re somewhat of a serious cyclist, concentrate on enhancing your skills on your own finely-tuned bike to improve your cycling form; likewise, if you’re a beginner/casual cyclist, decide what works for you – you’re the one in the saddle!

Good Luck – and if you have any questions regarding ANY stationary bike stand or general indoor training issues, feel free to get in touch!

5 BEST bike trainers 2024: the ultimate buyer’s guide

If you’re still a bit lost and still looking for the very best bike trainers of 2024, we’ve done pretty much all of the homework for you with this great little list for would-be buyers…

We know it’s not always easy sifting through all that info online, and hey, even through all those reviews on our own website, what with all the models we’ve tried and tested over the years. But we’ve done our absolute best to create the ultimate Top 5 list of bike trainers out there, a list that will surely take your indoor training efforts to the next level.

And yes, the list might not be perfect, but there is something for everyone on this list, so whatever your budget and cycling level there’s something for you to enjoy, especially as the winter draws in and we still have some nasty memories of COVID-19. The range of indoor trainers we’ve included in this list ranges from a very budget friendly (and value-packed to the rafters!) $70 trainer to a pricey but extremely classy trainer that has been revamped for the smart technology generation and comes highly recommended for the serious/pro cyclists of you out there.

Yep, these really are the best bike trainer options out there in 2024, in our very humble opinion. And yes, with one of these trainers in your training arsenal, you can seriously start expecting some very decent results…

One of our personal faves: the awesome CycleOps (Saris) Fluid 2 Trainer!

Cycleops Fluid 2 Trainer(EDITOR’S CHOICE) This bike trainer from CycleOps (now rebranded under Saris) has long been in our personal arsenal of off-season training tools. It has been around for some time, but after recently being revamped and redesigned, it still remains an excellent option for 2024.

Simply one of the best value trainers on this list (coming in at around $300 – the older models go for as little as $200, excellent value too!), we’ve probably had more training sessions on this beast than any other trainer out there. Still quiet, still classy, and yes, still an indoor riding experience to savor.

With excellent resistance, a new larger flywheel delivering twice the inertia (read about the resistance technology from CycleOps here), Powerband technology ensuring a wide resistance range to work with, a self-cooling mechanism that keeps the unit performing better and for longer, plus a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty, this is an excellent choice for the beginner, keen cyclist, and even the hardened pro.

Read our full review here.

A revamped classic for the smart tech generation: the Kurt Kinetic Rock n Roller!

best bike trainers 2017The Kurt Kinetic’s Rock n Roller has long been on our featured list of trainers. With a revamped version recently released to take on the ever developing world of smart technology compatible trainers, this could be your ultimate ride through the off-season.

The major factor in choosing this smart version of the Rock n Roller is its Inride Sensor. If you love your details and performance data, this sensor will give you pretty much all the data tracking and workout details you’ll ever need. And we can’t emphasize how important some of that data (speed and heart rate to cadence) can be for the serious cyclist; while your competitors are piling on the pounds/losing fitness over the off-season, you’ll be primed and ready for the spring!

Accompanying the Inride Sensor is the inRide app, which does an amazing job of collecting and transforming that data into workout suggestions, modifying its built-in workout programs according to the data the sensor provides.

Together with the fact that this smart trainer from Kinetic handles like a dream (that rocking motion is a big big plus) and can cater to almost any wheel size, its price tag of around $550 is excellent value for money, especially when some of today’s smart trainers are breaching a grand. And Kurt Kinetic is one of the industry’s legends, a name you can seriously trust.

Read our full review here.

Budget-friendly and AMAZING value for any beginner: the Ohuhu Magnet Steel trainer!

best bike trainers 2017This bike trainer only recently came onto our radar, but we have to say, this HAS to be on your radar if you’re looking for a trainer with tremendous value (we’re talking a typical online price of around $80).

Seriously, if your budget is on the conservative side, or you’re just getting started with indoor trainers, this is an excellent choice. Some might say it’s a direct copy of this bestseller from Magnet, but we feel there’s just that wee bit more in this one to warrant its selection as one of the very best budget trainers of 2024! We’ve see a lot of low-quality Chinese-made cheapies flood the markets in the last year or 2, but the Ohuhu is definitely top of the pile for value!

There’s a LOT to love with this trainer, including a heavy-duty frame that also folds up (and ensures it can be easily stored away), adjustable internal resistance settings that are controlled via the handlebar (thanks to some awesome inbuilt magnets), skid-resistance feet, and perhaps most importantly, it’s a very quiet trainer, even when the wolves are at your feet!

Read our full review here.

If you’re looking for additional budget options, check out the best THREE bike trainers for less than $80!

More budget-friendly goodness: the Sportneer bike trainer!

sportneer-magnetic-trainerOK, so if the budget is a little limited but you’re looking for just a little more oomph than the Ohuhu trainer mentioned above, the Sportneer magnetic trainer is a superb option!

This trainer has been making some serious inroads on the budget trainer sector, and has fast become one of the bestsellers on Amazon, with hundreds and hundreds of happy customers (as we speak, there are literally almost 800 reviews, and it’s rated a very decent 4.4 stars).

There’s a lot to like about this trainer, and in particular, the price, as it checks in for under $100!

OK, OK, but what do you get for your money?

Well, the resistance settings have 6 options to cover pretty much all cycling conditions, it is an extremely quiet trainer, and the Sportneer features a wide base and low stance that works exceedingly well.

If you’re looking for even more value, when ordering this trainer note that you’ll get the trainer itself, one front wheel block, one resistance remote, and a rear skewer for easy setup. Just taking into consideration that a front wheel block can cost at least $20, this is one sweet package!

Read our full review here.

Another smart-tech option: the awesome value Tacx Vortex Smart Ergo Trainer!

Tacx Vortex Smart ReviewSmart trainers have recently become the trend to watch out for in the bike trainer world in 2024, but with many of the recently released models topping a grand, smart trainers are out of reach for many. And then came along the Tacx Vortex Smart Ergo trainer.

What can we say, except “buy it if you’re after a great smart trainer”!

Seriously, this Tacx trainer packs a seriously smart punch – for less than $500. With a quick and stable connection ensuring your trainer is responsive to the smart app that comes with the trainer, you’ll soon be enjoying the likes of Zwift and other similar software (including the included Tacx software).

With excellent resistance (thanks to 16 inbuilt magnets) that you can crank up to a whopping max of 950 watts, excellently accurate workout calculations, and awesome electro-brake technology coming into its own and registering delicate changes in speed, this is one indoor riding experience you won’t need any motivational pep-talks for!

Read our full review here.

If you’re about to purchase one of these great trainers, we can highly recommend grabbing a trainer mat – they’ll keep your floor protected and clear of sweaty odors & also help reduce noise!

Quick glance comparison

Below is a table summarizing the best bike trainers in this bestsellers of 2024 list, so you can see at-a-glance what ticks all your boxes before reading more about each trainer…if you’re still not sure what type of trainer you really need, check out our quick guide for assistance.

NOTE: The ratings are review ratings currently listed on Amazon

ImageModelProsRatingPrice Range
Kinetic Rock and Roll TrainerKurt Kinetic Rock and Roll TrainerThe ultimate realistic indoor riding experience, expensive but quality

Read our REVIEW

ohuhu magnet trainer reviewOhuhu Magnet Steel TrainerAdjustable internal resistance levels, quiet, skid-resistant feet, wide frame, excellent value.

Read our REVIEW

sportneer-magnetic-trainerSportneer Magnetic TrainerAnother awesome budget-friendly trainer that is cleaning up the budget trainer market!

Read our REVIEW

Cycleops Fluid 2 TrainerCycleops Fluid 2Infinite resistance, self-cooling, one of the best!

Read our REVIEW

Tacx Vortex Smart ReviewTacx Vortex Smart ErgoTrainerSmart technology, intuitive, electro-brake technology, best value smart trainer!

Read our REVIEW

What types of bike trainer are out there in 2024 – and what type should I buy?

So yes, we know it can get a little confusing when trying to work out which type of indoor trainer best suits your needs, but we’ve wrapped up the main types you need to take into consideration if you’re looking for the best bike trainer in 2024

Smart trainers

Tacx Vortex Smart ReviewWithout a doubt, smart trainers are the future of indoor training. With their ability to connect to a variety of applications and sensors, smart trainers are for the keen to pro rider who needs that extra data available – or for those who just want to ride with their buddies on multi-rider platforms like Zwift. We’ve already uncovered a couple of great smart trainers, but the Tacx Vortex we mentioned above is one of the best value smart trainers we’ve come across. But watch this space because we’re sure there are some interesting developments ahead, and not just in 2024…

Fluid trainers

Fluid trainers are about as real as you’re going to get to an authentic on-road sensation. They typically generate resistance through a magnetic flywheel which combines with a fluid chamber inside the flywheel. So as you hit those pedals harder, the fluid in the chamber gets hotter, which means that the trainer’s resistance becomes more challenging as you continue.

Expect to pay a few more $$$ than most of the other types listed here, since these types of trainers (our own favorite is the CycleOps Fluid 2 trainer listed above) certainly provide quality, with most of the models out there today also proving they are leak-proof (a well-known problem in earlier fluid type trainers). If you want to go for a pivoting, and truly awesome fluid trainer, take a look at the Kurt Kinetic Rock n Roller (see above), now updated with a smart-friendly version!

Magnetic trainers

Magnetic trainers generate resistance via a magnetic flywheel, the adjustable magnetic resistance creating drag against your bike’s wheel. They are typically on the cheaper side, and generally easy to setup and move about. However, the resistance is limited and for the serious cyclist this can soon cause an issue as you’ll reach your max resistance fairly swiftly. They also tend to be noisier than fluid trainers, a point those of you living in apartments may want to consider.

A good budget-friendly example of a magnetic stationary stand is the Ohuhu Steel trainer, and the Sportneer trainer, both of which we included above.


NashbarRollersRollers are a whole different ball game; instead of attaching your bike to the trainer, as in the above models, you attempt to ride the bike on the rollers themselves, trying not to fall flat on your face! Certainly takes some practice, but rollers are a great way to work on your balance and positioning.

They typically are seen as a good value option, often coming in at much cheaper than the prime fluid or direct drive models. Some people swear by them, others can’t stand them – it’s entirely up to you! Don’t miss this review of the Top 5 bike rollers for a guide to the very best rollers out there.

Direct Drive trainers

lemond revolution 1.1Direct drive trainers are fairly new to the scene of indoor training, but are a great option for the serious cyclist. You can also save some serious $$$ on tires, since these trainers work on the concept of removing your bike’s rear wheel completely, and slotting it into a direct drive on the trainer. Quick and easy to setup, especially with today’s modern bikes that now all come with a quick-release skewer.

Two direct drive options we’ve been very impressed with: the CycleOps Silencer and the Lemond Revolution 1.1.

Virtual Reality trainers

If your budget is limitless and you really want the ultimate indoor ride, try a virtual trainer, which basically transforms your ride into a living PlayStation/XBox experience! Expect to pay some serious $$$ – for example, watch this video of the Tacx iGenius Virtual Trainer, it might just knock your socks off! You can buy it on Amazon, just be aware that it will cost you upwards of $1000.

We should probably point out that the concept of “virtual” trainers will probably disappear, what with the ever-growing range of smart trainers and direct drive trainers (see above), and their ability to connect with a range of appliances and software.

Wind trainers

In all honesty, don’t even bother with wind trainers. They’re generally noisy, and in our opinion, are outdone by fluid and decent magnetic trainers.

Best THREE stationary bike stands for under $80!

Sportneer trainerThere are some truly great stationary bike trainers out there – we personally love the Kurt Kinetic Road Machine and Saris (CycleOps) Fluid 2 models – but for beginners and the more price-conscious shopper, we know there are a few of you out there looking for a great value bike stand.

Let’s face it, as the economy bites many of us in the ***, saving some money is always a good thing (and hey, indoor trainers have also been known to ramp up your sex life!). So, after getting a few questions from readers asking us about some cheaper options, we decided to put this article together.

SEE ALSO: The FIVE best indoor trainers to buy in 2024!

There are a whole load of bike stands dropping in under the $80 mark, and you can find many online at stores like Amazon, as well as other high-street bricks and mortar outlets (though it has to be said, we’ve struggled to find the variety you can find on the Internet).

Below are the best THREE stationary bike stands we know of and have seen, and that are also ranked well on Amazon by satisfied customers.

One thing we should point out: the bike trainers in this range are constantly changing, with models renamed, and cheap Chinese versions almost everywhere. We’ve tried to create the most updated list out there, but it may change by the time you try reading about the models listed below! 

Don’t forget to check out our comparison table for an ever-expanding list of bike stands and our unique summary of each and every one’s features.

NOTE: The bike stands below are suitable for 26″, 27″ or 700C wheels.

Cheap & excellent value: the Sportneer Bike Trainer

Sportneer trainerThis excellently priced bike trainer comes in at just under the $80 mark, but offers some tremendous value, most notably its 6 resistance settings!

Coupled with a wide base and low stance, not a given for this type of price range, you have one heck of a stable trainer (it also comes with 5 adjustable antislip rubber feet).

The bar-mounted resistance settings mean you have easy access to getting the best resistance for any training session (there are 6 levels to choose from, offering some very decent road-like conditions). There’s also no need to worry about the noise, as this baby has a well designed resistance wheel.

The Sportneer trainer is easy to setup (see this if you need any assistance), and is perfect for any bike with a 26-28″ or 700c wheel. The trainer is also compatible with any rear axle between 4.92″- 6.57″. Best of all it also comes with a riser block (to place your front wheel on), this in itself is worth $15-$20.

Excellent value!

See the latest deals for the Sportneer Bike Trainer on Amazon

The Magnet Bicycle Indoor Exercise Trainer

Magnet Steel TrainerThis has to be the very best value stationary bike stand we’ve seen out there. Quite how these guys built this bike stand and sell it for typically under $50 we don’t know, but there are hundreds of happy customers who’ve snapped up this Magnet Bike Stand.

What makes it such a winner? Well, first of all, it’s cheap, and therefore perfect for beginners and the very price-conscious. It also has FIVE internal resistance settings (changeable from your handlebar, and which provides progressive magnetic resistance, meaning the resistance increases as the speed increases), is seen to be heavy duty (it weighs in at a solid 20 pounds) and is considered to be quiet too.

The instructions that come with the stand are notoriously bad, but if you follow the images you should be up and running in minutes (see our full review here).

See the latest deals for the Magnet Indoor Trainer on Amazon (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE – we recommend trying the Sportneer trainer above or the BalanceFrom trainer below)

The superb value BalanceFrom bike trainer!

BalanceFromTrainerThis superb value bike stand is not a big brand name (in fact, it seems to be very similar to the Magnet trainer above). But the fact there are numerous happy reviews on Amazon sends a clear message that a big brand name isn’t always everything.

Why is this stationary bike stand a hit? Well, this stand is also considered heavy duty (also weighing in at 19 pounds with NO cheapo plastic bits, it’s entirely made from metal) and also stable, while also being fold-able – great for storing away! The stand comes with EIGHT resistance levels, which can be changed via the handle mount. Another good selling point – it also comes with its own Riser Block (you’d typically have to spend another $10-20 on one of these).

The only drawback we can see with this stand is that it seems slightly noisier than, let’s say, the Magnet Exercise Trainer we describe above (so use a trainer tire to reduce noise), but overall, is excellent value.

See the latest deals for this BalanceFrom Trainer on Amazon 


All in all, the three stationary bike trainers above are ALL excellent value and each is an excellent option. You really can’t go wrong with any of them, and your training sessions are about to get started on the right foot (or pedal…)!

More trainers that just missed out on making this list because they’re a few dollars above the $80 limit is the great value Graber Mag trainer, well worth checking out, the superb Bike Lane Pro trainer, the Minoura B60D trainer, and the Akonza Magnet Steel trainer, another excellent option that just hovers around the $80 zone…!

The ULTIMATE guide to bike trainers and accessories this winter

winterbikerideIt’s that time of year again, when those cold nights draw in and the motivation to get on your bike really takes a bit of a beating…

But it doesn’t have to be that way, honest! With a little guidance from us in regards to the best trainers and cycling accessories, you’ll be pedaling away like a pro in no time!

Our website sees a big upturn in traffic over the winter months (and also now thanks to COVID-19), and has turned into something of an authority in the indoor trainer market over the last couple of years. We know which trainers work, which trainers generally suck, and also know how to get the best out of your training sessions, whether you’re struggling to stay motivated or are desperate to shed those excess holiday pounds as you pound away at those pedals in your very own man cave.

For your winter training pleasure, we’ve collected some of the best trainers and accessories out there in a little list below (or just take a little look at the 5 best trainers we recommend for Christmas) – get ready to enjoy your winter sessions!

  • The BEST trainer money can buy
  • The BEST all-round trainer suitable for beginners and pros
  • The BEST VALUE trainer (for less than $80)
  • THREE must-have accessories
  • Cycling shoes to ramp up your cycling skills

The BEST stationary bike stand money can buy

TacxNeo2reviewWe recently compiled a breakdown of the three best trainers money can buy (for those of you less worried about a budget and more intent on getting the ultimate training experience), and the trainer we feel we have to recommend here is the rather tasty Tacx Neo 2T, which has recently been updated and now comes with an impressive engine that really will give you an impressively realistic ride – expect to reach 2200 watts and up to 25% inclines!

Easy to setup out of the box, the improved axle compatibility ensures it’s compatibility with a wide range of bikes. It also remains compatible with Shimano and SRAM 8-12 speed cassettes (bear in mind this trainer doesn’t come with a cassette).

The Tacx Neo 2T also includes ANT+ Cycling Dynamics in the firmware, enabling you to use third-party software to really monitor your output. Even better is its compatibility with ANT+, FE-C, and Bluetooth, to ensure you can use almost any of the cycling apps out there – combine it with the amazing road-feel feature to really get the BEST virtual ride on the market!

There are other great trainers out there, but the Tacx Neo 2T has to be your weapon of choice if you’re looking for something top-notch.

It also comes with a top notch price of around $1300 – $1400, but for those of you investing in your cycling, this could be the best few $$$ you ever spent. Definitely ramps up your training to the next level!

Click HERE for the latest Tacx Neo 2T reviews & discounts

The BEST all-round trainer suitable for beginners and pros

Cycleops Fluid 2 TrainerIf you’re not looking to drop a thousand bucks on something top-notch, then how about the awesome CycleOps (Saris) Fluid 2 trainer? We purchased the revamped model last year and have been delighted with the results we get in our training.

It’s perfect for beginners as it’s simple to setup and get started with, but also great for pros with its new, larger flywheel for an improved road-like performance, and an infinite resistance curve that increases the power output as you increase speed.

Typically priced at around $300, this one is highly recommended by us; if you’re looking for alternatives, the awesome Kurt Kinetic Road Machine is also worth a mention, as is the CycleOps Magneto (a magnetic based trainer, but with technology to match the very best of the fluid-based trainers (more about the differences between fluid and magnetic trainers here)).

More HERE about the Fluid 2 trainer from CycleOps.

The BEST VALUE trainer (for less than $80)

Magnet Steel TrainerWe know that many of you are also looking for a great value beginner trainer, before you start spending the bigger bucks on a more fancy model. We’ve been there too, and fully understand…which is why we can safely recommend the Magnet Steel trainer.

We’re still not sure quite how they do it, but this trainer is regularly priced at under $60 and there are a ton of happy customers out there – and it’s also an Amazon bestseller!

It’s a great trainer to get started with, has a great price tag and also five resistance settings that are more than enough for a beginner-like level of training. It’s also pretty solid, and surprisingly quiet. The only thing we will say is that you get what you pay for… so don’t expect a virtual trainer package complete with computer controlled resistance!

If you’re still not impressed and looking for an alternative, don’t miss our guide to the best trainers under $80.

THREE must-have accessories

There are a whole ton of cycling accessories out there today (you might want to check out our Top 10 accessories for Christmas), but we’ve decided to whittle down the list to three musts.

First up, we can’t recommend a training mat highly enough. As well as the fact that they can protect your floor from scratches and even your salty body sweat, they also help to reduce noise greatly and provide a stable base for your training. The best one we’ve come across is the Kurt Kinetic floor mat, which is priced around $60. Others come in cheaper, but for pure looks and quality, the mat from Kurt Kinetic won us over completely (it’s also a perfect match for their awesome trainers). Check here for some alternative options.

kinetic trainer mat

Next up, we’re going to recommend the rather awesome Travel Stick, a massage stick that goes to work on those tired muscles you’ve been tormenting during your training sessions. It’s an innovative little stick that comes in a variety of sizes, and starts at under $20. However, the winning element for us was it’s physiological effects; the Travel Stick is fitted with round plastic rings that do an excellent job of alleviating crippling muscle aches which can lead to long-term injuries. Easily usable and easy to take with you, this is a great option for winding down from an intense session. More about the Travel Stick HERE.

travel stick the stick

>>> It might be winter, but if you really care about your bike, you’ll need one of these impressive Bike Thongs!

Lastly, you’ll need the CatEye Strada Wireless cycling computer, which is great for knowing what you’re doing in your current session (if you’re not using a virtual trainer with all that data displayed on your laptop/tablet/TV automatically). And in this generation of touch-screen technology, we want quick access to all the relevant info – the CatEye Strada fits the bill perfectly! Together with its touch screen interface, it also has a great sensor that measures cadence, current speed, max speed, average speed, 2 trip distances, and elapsed time! It also fits on any handlebar or stem. Costs around $80-90. Read more here.

cat eye strada 2016

Cycling shoes to ramp up your cycling skills

Pearl iZumi Mens ShoesLet’s be honest here, many of us will probably think that a pair of sneakers will be more than adequate when training indoors. No-one’s looking, there are no roads or muddy tracks to worry about, so hey, why the heck not?

Well, indoor cycling shoes might seem a little extravagant, but a pair of the right shoes will take your training session to the next level…you might not be aware of it, but the correct footwear is going to have a big role to play because cycling stresses your lower body in a very different way from running and you need footwear specifically designed to counteract that stress.

So yes, the correct shoes are an essential investment for any cyclist who takes their training and performance seriously. We’ve covered some of the very best options out there in this little guide,but if you’re going to go with something like the Pearl iZUMi Men’s All-Road II shoe, or the Shimano Venzo Mountain Bike Bicycle SPD shoe, you’re very definitely on the right track. And your feet will thank you much later!

Use your bike stand to burn that winter belly fat off!

So you’ve bought your brand new bike trainer, it’s all setup and ready to go, but perhaps you’re still wondering to yourself just how the heck you’re going to burn all that winter excess off…because let’s face it, most of us pig out during the winter and don’t really commit to exercising properly over the colder months!

>>>How your indoor trainer can ramp up your SEX LIFE!
>>>THREE great ways to stay motivated over winter
>>>FIVE awesome nutritional tips for cyclists
>>THREE killer tips for losing weight

And despite those good intentions – you did buy that stationary bike trainer after all (and if you still haven’t purchased one, check out this guide) – it doesn’t really seem possible to stay trim and even lose some of that belly fat. I mean, not just by pedaling for a few minutes, surely?

Well, yes, you really can burn off some off that winter belly fat on your stationary bike trainer, and here are just a few pointers to help you on your way…

Tip 1: Stretch and stretch again

Prior to getting on your bike, stretch your body to get your body’s muscles warmed up and ready to work. Touching your toes, and trunk rotations are perfect to start with; if you feel the need for more, try some knee highs or leg swings, focusing more on the legs as that’s where most of your energy will be targeting in your training session.

Tip 2: Warm up pedal

Start pedaling, but primarily to warm up your muscles. Get comfortable on your seat,and slowly but surely increase your rate over a period of 4-5 minutes. This should get your muscles nice and ready for a workout.

Tip 3: Increase your pedaling

Start working harder and sweat! You’ll want to feel like your body is really working, and that breathing becomes harder. And don’t let the pace drop, keep at this rate for the whole of your session.

* The American College of Sports Medicine suggests that in order to lose weight, you’ll need to do some 60 to 90 minutes of cardio exercise.

Tip 4: Break in those intervals

To really maximize your training, start using interval training. That means pedal at a very intense rate for something like 30 seconds, and then ease off for the next 30-60 seconds. Keep doing this for up to ten minutes at first, as long as you include it in a much longer session (let’s say 45 minutes). These intervals are perfect for cardio and burning off that winter belly!

Tip 5: Use your trainer’s resistance levels

Most of the bike trainers we’ve reviewed on this site have some kind of resistance level. Use your trainer’s resistance to build up an even more intense session, which will help both your cardio efforts and your leg muscles.

Tip 6: Warm down

Just as you did when you started out, see Tip 2, ease out of your session with a slower intensity for 4-5 minutes. Most fitness experts will suggest this is a must, and it really does help your muscles unwind and loosen up from a particularly intense session.

Tip 7: Workout regularly!

Get on your trainer at least 3 times a week, for something like 45 minutes each time, and you’ll quickly see those pounds dropping off!


Don’t miss our culinary guide to keeping that cycling body of yours in shape over the festive season!

FIVE things NOT to do before starting your training session!

FIVE awesome Black Friday deals that will save you some serious $$$

OK, we’re all after a good deal, and especially on Black Friday (and if you missed out on Black Friday, there’s always some great deals on Cyber Monday), when the world seems to go just that little bit crazier for a few hours! And let’s face it, it’s been a crazy ol’ world for  the last year or 2…what with Corona hitting us all hard, it’s time to spend some Black Friday dollars on keeping fit over the coming winter!

But hey, if the Black Friday craziness means we can save some serious dollars, then so be it…anyway, we’ve come up with some deals you should definitely take advantage of if you’re shopping online for a bike trainer stand or accessories on Black Friday!

The deals below are subject to change, as we have no control over the final prices charged, but we have done our best to find you the BIGGEST reductions out there in Black Friday week…and if you can’t wait to get your eyes on some of the best online Black Friday deals out there, just click the image immediately below!


Save $60 on this bestselling Alpcour trainer!

This bike stand from Alpcour has really been doing some amazing sales over the last year or so, and is extremely popular with reviewers – it’s ranked with well over 800 FIVE STAR reviews!

Seriously, what’s not to like? This superb magnetic trainer, with 6 different resistance settings and completely foldable, is typically priced at around $220. But click on the button below and you can save yourself $60! This is perhaps the perfect Black Friday deal for you or a loved one!

Current rating on Amazon: 4.4


Over $80 OFF!!! The Kurt Kinetic Road Machine

Kurt Kinetic Road Trainer Review

This bike trainer from the Kurt Kinetic product line is currently on sale with a bit of a nice discount, pulling it well under the $300 level! This one is one of the best in the business and at this price is pretty hard to beat. Not sure we can find a better deal than this online…and take a look at the average rating on Amazon – 4.8!

Current rating on Amazon: 4.8


40% OFF!!! The RAD Portable Indoor Trainer

RAD Cycle Indoor Stand

Another bike trainer from the RAD product line, this one has been around for awhile, and has proved to be one of those value trainers that many have splashed the cash on. It made our comparison table, if you want to see how it lines up against other trainers. Also priced at under $80, it looks like it this one has a slightly better online standing than other RAD trainers out there…read more here.

Current rating on Amazon: 4.0

Your savings: Almost $160!


Save over $100!!! The Conquer Indoor Bike Trainer

The Conquer Indoor Trainer is one of those trainers that has found its own little niche in the “best value trainer” corner. Rated highly on Amazon, and with plenty of happy customers, this trainer also made our list of (go read!) best value trainers under $80. Not sure you’re saving a heck of a lot this Black Friday, but it’s still one of the best value options out there.

Current rating on Amazon: 4.3


22% OFF!!! The Health Line Trainer with 8 resistance levels!

This one is a fairly new model and one that caught our attention due to its ground-breaking 8 levels of resistance! It looks like a great option for those of you starting out, and checks in at well under $100. With an all steel frame and those 8 levels of magnetic resistance, plus some happy online reviewers, at this price and with this discount, it’s a win-win. Read more here.

Current rating on Amazon: 4.1

Your savings: $24!


Don’t miss our collection of the very best trainers out there this year!

6 KILLER reasons you should buy that indoor trainer tire!

trainer tireIf you’re serious about training indoors, you really should consider buying a bike trainer tire.

Ever since I replaced my mountain bike tire – complete with knobbly tread – with a slick training tire, I’ve never looked back…Seriously, if you’re anything like me, you were probably thinking it would be easier and cheaper to use an old tire, or even your everyday tire. But no, there are some very good reasons why this is a bad idea. Just bad. Don’t do it…

Click HERE for a review of the very best trainer tire we’ve come across!

So to help convince you, I’ve come up with six must-read reasons for buying an indoor trainer tire>>>

1 Beating the heat

Intensive indoor training produces a lot of heat (and we’re not even talking about the copious amounts of sweat you produce!). This is simply not the case when riding your bike normally. Friction between your tire and the trainer roller easily produces enough heat to melt regular tires. This not only ruins the tire, but coats the roller in a layer of rubber, making it very inefficient. Trainer tires are designed to disperse heat throughout their structure.

2 Reducing noise

Indoor stationary bike stands produce a lot of noise with regular tires. The two surfaces rubbing together make this inevitable due to the tread on road tires, and this is especially relevant for knobbly mountain bike treads. Training tires have a special tread pattern and material compound which makes them virtually silent, no matter how hard you train.

3 Durability

Because intensive training creates a lot of heat with regular tires, they become damaged very quickly. They wear out much sooner than with outdoor riding, and you’re also likely to see them leave some of their tread embedded on your trainer roller. Indoor trainer tires not only create much less heat, their compound is blister resistant. From my research, and from my own personal experience, a good, standard indoor trainer tire should last 5,000 miles or so, maybe even more.

4 Adding extra resistance

Indoor trainer tires are specially designed to add resistance without generating heat. This makes your trainer much more efficient, and your performance measurements more meaningful. By withstanding punishment from friction, indoor training tires keep their integrity for longer, which maintains their resistance against your training roller.

5 Get sexy & colorful!

As your indoor trainer tire will only be seen by you or those close to you, you can get creative and have yours in any color you like. And you don’t have to worry that it will get caked in mud, or suffer discoloring – it should keep its color as long as you have it. As training can be a little boring and hard to motivate yourself for, having a bright trainer tire often subconsciously lifts the spirits.

6 Great value

Unlike regular tires, indoor trainer tires only have one mode to cope with. They are specially designed to work with a trainer, which makes their manufacture relatively cheap. Typically priced between $20 – $40, this works out A LOT cheaper than replacing regular bike tires. Especially when you take into consideration the length of time they last, their heat resistance, their sexiness and their assistance in reducing noise!

Two trainer tires we can seriously recommend: the Zittoria trainer tire (priced at around $30 and comes in a sexy red color) and the Continental Hometrainer tire (also priced at around $30). These two trainer tires have proven to be two of the best out there, so come highly recommended.

If you’re looking for another way to enhance your training, add a trainer mat! They help protect your floor, reduce odors & also help reduce noise!