This is a question many of you have asked us over the last few months – should I buy a stationary bike stand upon which I can attach my regular road/mountain bike OR should I buy an indoor bike trainer, the likes of which I can ride in my local gym?
We’ve always maintained that the stationary bike stand is the better option, because you can get a better feel for your training session. It’s your bike, your saddle, and there’s no real adjustments needed to get the perfect training session. On the contrary with the indoor trainers, because with these you’ll find you’ll need to adjust and you’ll constantly be trying to get the right “bite” in your session.
Both work excellently if you’re into your spinning and aerobics exercises. But as we’re more into our road cycling, the stationary bike stand has to be the winner.
If you’re looking for an awesome stationary stand, here are THREE of the very best we’ve tried and tested – just choose the one that suits your pocket and level.
Here’s a great video we found, which further explains our case for stationary bike stands…