Every once in a while, we come across a stationary bike stand that just blows us away, either because of its tremendous value or because it takes us to yet another level.
Without a doubt, the CycleOps SuperMagneto Pro Trainer belongs in this category. We’ve enjoyed our own CycleOps Fluid 2 a lot over the last few months, but the SuperMagneto Pro is definitely one to think about if you’re a fan of all things CycleOps. The SuperMagneto Pro combines industry-leading hardware – in the form of a durable Pro Series frame – with sophisticated software, in the form of its Flexible Power Curve technology, to create an indoor bicycle trainer that will please even the most jaded of critics.
>>> See the very latest discounts and reviews for the CycleOps SuperMagneto Pro
One heck of a riding experience
Fluid-based trainers usually offer a more realistic and challenging cycling experience than magnetic resistance stands, but the CycleOps Magneto Pro Trainer really challenges that preconception. Its Flexible Power Curve Technology allows cyclists to choose between four highly differentiated settings such as “Road”, which involves the use of a sharp resistance curve and greater inertia to simulate road cycling conditions, and “Mountain” which manages to convincingly replicate the grueling, thigh-blasting sensation of an ascent as well as the exhilarating feel of zooming down a steep decline.
>>> More about the resistance curve technology from CycleOps
This software is made possible by an innovative resistance mechanism which shifts magnets around an axis to alter the resistance curve. Resistance changes are incredibly seamless, acceleration feels thrilling and realistic and cycling on this trainer is, on the whole, very smooth. This stationary bike stand also does a fantastic job of simulating inertia as the each flywheel is weighted around its outer edge to ensure that your bike will continue to coast for a brief period after you stop pedaling – just as it does when you’re cycling outside.
Most magnetic flywheels are very difficult to start up again once you stop pedaling, which can really be a downer if you’re in the middle of an intense workout and just wanted to stop for a few seconds’ break, so this innovation by CycleOps is very welcome indeed. Unless you’re willing to shell out a very hefty sum for a virtual reality trainer, this CycleOps bike trainer is the closest thing you’ll get to a genuine outdoor cycling experience in the comfort of your home.
Here’s a quick look at those four training options…
The superb Pro Series frame
CycleOps biking products are known for their impressive lifespan, making it all the more remarkable that this trainer with its Pro Series frame actually manages to exceed expectations in that regard. It’s made out of the highest quality metal and plastic parts to ensure it’s both sturdy and lightweight (coming in at under 23 pounds). The latter quality is very much welcome considering the portability of this bike trainer has been heavily touted by its manufacturers. As advertised, this bike stand actually folds up really easily for storage or transport. The wide base has also been carefully designed for great stability, which will come in handy when you’re crouched over your handlebars and gunning for top speed.
User-friendly, even for beginners!
Many users, especially those with carpeted floors, complain they can’t get their indoor trainers to lie flat on their floor. That makes training dangerous because it affects the stability of your bike frame. However, the Pro Series frame addresses that complaint with its single-sided design which makes it easy for users to accurately level the trainer. The one-sided design also helps in installing or removing the frame and makes assembly virtually foolproof. You just need to set up the magnet and the frame attachment and you’re ready to roll.
Almost as quiet as a mouse…
Magnetic resistance trainers have a reputation for being noisy, but the CycleOps SuperMagneto trainer bucks that trend. The high-quality hardware makes it very quiet and unobtrusive, so you can train at any time of the day or night without disturbing your neighbors. Of course, as we always mention, a training tire will diminish further any of those excess wheel noises, especially if you ride a mountain bike – and if you’re really attacking your ride AND watching TV, you may well have to turn up the volume on your remote a notch or two!
Value for money – or breaking the bank?
Of course, all these amazing features come at a high price. The CycleOps SuperMagneto trainer is one of the most expensive magnetic trainers on the market, retailing at over $400.
However, for that luxury price, you get a GREAT cycling experience to match. In terms of realism, user-friendliness and durability, this product is sheer class, and class never comes cheap. If you’re serious about cycling and want an indoor bike stand to take your cycling training to the next level, the CycleOps SuperMagneto Trainer is a fantastic investment, and definitely a step-up from the rather more standard (well, for some!) CycleOps Fluid 2 or CycleOps Magneto trainer (the CycleOps Silencer is also worth a look at, if you’re interested in direct drive trainers (meaning you have to remove the rear wheel)).